oil painting

Evolution of a Portrait

First stage with blue ground and outlines in raw and burnt umbers
Addition of beard and shadows
Broad colors of skin tones laid in
More detailed lights, darks and middle tones applied
Beard and more details added; tones blended to more realistically express features
Almost completed: shirt and background elements added

Starting and Finishing

I have been working on this painting for approximately 1 1/2 months. Today I went over some areas that were bothering me: some were too dark, and some edges were not crisp enough. I like the delicate balance between correcting areas and leaving some slightly imperfect. I do this because I enjoy the process of looking at art, specifically drawings, when I gather insight into what an artist was thinking by examining the various marks made. I have posted the beginning charcoal image on canvas I started with, and the final painting.

Two Men with Image of Hecate the Greek Goddess of Magic, Oil on canvas, 24 x 30 inches

Today’s work

I love where this painting is taking me; I worked today on the sky, and mountains and moved two figures up and further back.

Ballet, or The Evil That Men Do, 4th day, oil on panel, 11 x 14 inches

Slow painting is better

for me. If I rush, I may miss important details. The painting contains the process, through lines, forms and subtle color combinations. Each carries their own complements and discordant elements. All parts of the painting are in motion: lines, planes, areas of color. Nothing is set in stone, but constantly evolving. The learning is in the progression. Each new stroke or value leads me forward. I don’t want to force these, so I am letting each time I work on the painting be the impetus for me to study, meditate and then put brush to canvas, or in this case, panel. The images below are the first sketch and the 7 times I have worked on the painting thus far. I also include three of the progressions. To be continued…

Mostly Finished

There is more to do to make the blue sky look better, but overall am happy with the way this turned out. I feel sometimes as if I am chasing an elusive butterfly, trying for perfection and always falling short. However, these fellows look pretty good, as imperfect as they are.

A Beautiful World (in process)

of color, specifically the color of skin. My hard work and almost obsessive attention to subtle color and value changes are worth the effort. I have used other methods to create a world, however at this time this process is right for me, and how I wish to express what is beautiful. In a noisy world, it is especially gratifying to create something wonderfully nuanced.


I have been sketching, working on ideas for future paintings, and moving forward slowly on the Pathos of Alexander painting. I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that a painting with that heavy a title is weighing me down. The whole indirect painting thing sometimes feels like I have entered quicksand, but I will persevere, whether or not it is warranted.

Sketch for Women Play Baseball project
After some glazing in color

Paintings of local scenes

I couldn’t wait to paint the animals at the Kate De Lane Farm after I returned from purchasing eggs there. The animals came running toward me and it made my day. The other scene is of rowers on the Delaware inspired by older LOC photos and the works of Thomas Eakins. Both are for sale locally. Kate De Lane Farm can be purchased at Duck Soup in New Hope, PA, and The Rowers will be for sale either at the upcoming A&C small works show online and in Doylestown, PA or the AOY show in Yardley, PA

oil on canvas panel, 11 x 14 inches October 2021
oil on canvas, 8 x 10 inches, 2021