male nude

A Beautiful World (in process)

of color, specifically the color of skin. My hard work and almost obsessive attention to subtle color and value changes are worth the effort. I have used other methods to create a world, however at this time this process is right for me, and how I wish to express what is beautiful. In a noisy world, it is especially gratifying to create something wonderfully nuanced.

Mentorship Class

I am taking an inspiring course with the insightful artist Elody Gyekis who is mentoring a group of us to take our work to the next level. The monochromatic and color studies have been painted in the last two weeks while the portraits were completed prior to the class. ‘Cat’ won an award at the 93rd Juried Show at Phillips’ Mill. The award presentation was an awesome highlight of an otherwise difficult year.

Monochromatic study, 16 x 20 inches, oil on canvas, 2022
Color study, 16 x 20 inches, oil on canvas, 2022
Cat, 30 x 40 inches, oil on canvas, 2022
Alex (AJ Minter) among the sunflowers, 20 x 16 inches, oil on canvas, 2022